
                                                                              Copyright © Sofia Dabalsa   

                    Please be kind and respect my time, my creativity, my artwork, and my business. Namasté.  

Here is a challenge for those of you who desire to articulate your own manifesto! Create your very own manifesto by using these guidelines:

  • Take just thirty minutes to write down what you value, what you believe, and how you want to live in 2013.
  • Create a pdf file of your creation and use PhotoShop or PicMonkey to add even more of your own flava! Choose your favorite colors, birds, butterflies, rainbows whatever strikes your fancy!
  • Link your manifesto down below and share it with us! 
  • Another cool idea that I will do soon is to make a poster size copy of it and hang it on my wall! 

Let's do this! Happy writing!


Wendy Poling said...

Thanks so much for the inspiration, Sofia! I love your manifesto and decided to challenge myself to create one of my own. :)

Librarian Christie said...

Wendy! I just read your Manifesto and I absolutely love it! Its so awesome we can inspire each other!!