My word for this year is:
The last quarter of 2011 really sparked a change in me. Taking Flying Lessons by Kelly Rae Roberts has been the best money I have spent in all of my life. Not only did I gain a well of knowledge but it allowed me to find a community I did not know existed. This community of artists has helped keep me honest in every creative endeavor from that point on. For many years have suppressed any creative feeling I have had. I was haunted by my inner voice begging me to come out. Haunted everyday by the artist within.
When I first found Kelly Rae's art I was in an independent bookstore where I live in San Antonio, Texas. As I looked into the women's eyes of the painting (the same one on her book Taking Flight) a chill came over me. This woman was talking to me. "How could this be... this is a painting, Sofia!" I would say. The woman in the painting looked at me and with her eyes saw into my very soul. She had found me. I could no longer hide. It's almost like she was pulling out that part of myself that I had suppressed for so long. My inner artist was being pulled out of me.
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My Muse. (KRR's Painting) |
I turned away in fear. I pretended like it was just another beautiful piece of artwork. I hid behind the bookshelves and I tried hard not to feel the emotions swirling in me. Blankly, I starred into a shelf of books and thought to myself, "Please be honest here. Stop lying to yourself. still and listen.
After a few moments of breathing deeply I peered out to seek her, this time not so afraid but relieved. She knew my story. She knew my deepest desires and ambitions and fears. She told me to let go and I would be free. I left her there that day. Before I left the bookstore I held her in my hands and promised that I would let go of my fears. I promised to no longer hide behind a false self. I promised to give the creative voice inside of me her chance to speak. I quietly exited and drove home in silence.
I will speak of this experience as long as I live because it was transformative for me. Living in honesty and living my truth is my goal in 2012. I am more prepared now to let go of things and people who do not serve me. I realize now more than I ever have that being honest with myself and others creates less stress in my life and allows me to live a more authentic life.
I want to espouse all the the above this year. I know that with my group of fabulous flying females I will be fully supported!
I recently began creating intention candles for the new year to help me live more honestly. This idea was sparked by fellow flyer Rachel Payne. The intention of Self-love in the first quarter of the year is where I am concentrating.
This candle states that I am a: FREAKING GODDESS :) and that I can light the way to achieving my dreams!
The back side of this candle states to: Get your LOVE on!
Thank you for your love and presence!
Sophia, I was at the very beginning of trying to figure out where to go with my creative life when I discovered KRR's book in a bookstore. I bought it immediately, and the rest is history. Isn't it just amazing how much of an impact one person can have on so many?
I ope 2012 is a great one for you, honestly!
Sophia, what a beautiful, honest, and true story. I am so moved by your journey and your willingness to meet it head on, with complete honesty. Happy to be soaring with you and the FlyTribe in 2012. :-)
Sofia, I loved you post. It was wonderful to follow along with your story, your fairy tale, actually! Can't wait to see ALL the happy endings you experience along the way, your Freaking Goddess, you!! (I just LUV that!!!!!!! It brought a huge smile to my face!)
Sofia, your words are so moving, so heart felt. I love to watch people surrender to their true being and fearlessly feel their raw emotions. That is where art is born. Stay with it and you will continue to fly!
Love to you, Christina
Hi Sofia! Great post and I love your word choice! Wishing you an amazing 2012!!!
So happy you picked up that book and found your inner artist! Your story reminds me a bit of my own.
So inspired right now! Thank you for sharing the story of your word and its powerful message.
Happy wishes to you!
Sofia, it is quite generous of you to share such a personal story. Your word is beautiful. My mantra is similar: "the truth will set you free". Happy new year my fly sister.
Sophia, I'm so glad you found KRR! I love your word!!!!
Sofia, love your goddess candle! I am going to have to check those out over on Raes site. Well we all understand your story...I believe that is how most of us ended here taking the KRR course. Honesty is a perfect word to help lead us on this journey together. Best of luck in 2012. julie
Hi Sofia, What an honest and heartfelt post. I love your quote, Get your Love On!! WIshing you a fabulous year living in your truth!
i love your word, honesty is one of the greatest gifts we can give to ourselves & to others. I can feel you are in for an amazing 2012. Thanks for visiting me too & i would love to have you join in at the Monthly Mosaic xx
Beautiful post Sofia. Beautiful story of how you came to see your light, and start your journey of creativity and freedom. You are such a sweet and loving person. I am so happy to call you friend.
Your beautiful, honest story, moved me to tears. It's an honor to be flying with you, and that's the honest truth! Wishing so many good and true things for you in 2012.
Love your post, Sofia! I really appreciate you heartfelt story. I hope that 2012 is a year full of honesty and happiness for you!
Sophia--it's so amazing that all of us were inspired by KRR in some way. I first saw a painting of hers in a boutique near my home, then I looked on the back and found her name and looked her up and ordered her book within a week. I agree--this was a life-changing course to take. Thank you for sharing your journey. Best wishes on your intention of honesty.
I love you all so much. I don't know how I can ever go back to a life without you.
Your were next up after we chatted on Google Plus...can't wait to video chat! Your post is so well-written and so real! Your goal of honesty is well exemplified on here. So glad to have you as part of the group and that you are so open to your creativity now!
Sofia, my leap began with a KRR greeting card which led me to Flying Lessons and Beth Nichols' Do What You Love ecourses. They both have changed my life and who I am. Here's to discovery and listening to the honesty that resides within. Happy 2012. xoxo
Hi Sofia, wow what an incredible story! I really admire your choice of word. It is a wonderful choice and will undoubtedly bring you many positive things in 2012. Enjoy it!
Honesty is such a beautiful word and it always rings true for me. Kelly Rae's book is transformational and has touched so many creative souls.
Really lovely Sofia. Here's to a year of true honesty and fulfilling all those creative dreams.
What a lovely story. Thanks so much for sharing it with us. I hope 2012 is a great year for you! xoxo
Amazing story Sophia! So inspiring that you decided to listen to your inner artist and embark on a new journey.
I love your intention candles too, it's so encouraging to have positive messages around you.
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